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Norduyn’s products are designed with sustainability as a key development parameter.


Sustainable innovation and design is about rethinking how to meet market needs while at the same time reducing negative environmental and social impacts.


Part of our new product development process involves finding ways to ensure the lowest environmental footprint over the product’s life-cycle, manufacture the product in a socially responsible way, including the sourcing for raw materials used to make the product.


Norduyn’s core aviation markets involve products that are used extensively around the world under extreme environments throughout their lifecycle. The key challenge in Norduyn’s markets involves finding ways to increase product durability and useful life, as well as re-use and re-cycle the product or its components.

Case study – Recyclable tactical aircraft containers

After a standard aircraft container reaches the end of its service life (around 3 years) it is usually left to rot on site or dumped in landfill sites. Legacy containers are not repairable and are not recycled.

Norduyn was first to market with a tactical rapid deployment container that has a lifespan far greater than any other comparable product on the market. Using light weight composite pannels over a reinforced aluminum frame Norduyn containers are sturdy, rapidly deployable and collapsible in 5 minutes by two people with no tools used.

Aside from being more eco-friendly because they are lighter allowing reduction of fuel-burn in tactical transport aircraft, Norduyn aircraft containers are made from an ingenious assembly of composite panels and reinforced aluminum structural parts enabling quick repair of damaged pannels or on-site replacement of parts.

This is where customers also benefit from Norduyn’s unique parts exchange and recycling program – called Sustainable Air Logistics where Norduyn will take back damaged parts and wall pannels and exchange them against a refurbished container part. This unique sustainability program ensures that each container remain a useful part of troop and material deployment for several years of operations.

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