Industry Associations

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Industry Associations

Norduyn is a proud and active member of the following industry associations:

Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI)
CADSI is the voice of Canada’s defence and security industries. CADSI’s business association represents over 860 member companies who are essential contributors to Canada’s national defence and security and generate over 10 billion dollars to the Canadian economy every year.


Army Aviation Association of America (AAAA)
The Army Aviation Association of America (AAAA) was formed in early 1957 by a small group of senior aviation officers in the active Army, the Reserve Forces of the U.S. Army, and Industry. AAAA is a not-for-profit organization who’s purpose is to support the United States army aviation soldier and their families. It has grown now to more than 14,700 members and more than 66 chapters worldwide.

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